Sunday, December 11, 2011
new project: jei & i.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Lately, my mind has been jumping out of control. I could be holding a conversation and be thinking about something else. I could be working on a project and be sorting out another one in my head. My concentration is totally off lately, so I apologize.
I don't even have the time to be writing this, because schoolwork has consumed my life.
I've been trying to deal with my conflicts as best as possible, but it seems as one problem begins to clear, another problem bursts. I know I take on too much, but being busy keeps me out of trouble, which is what I like an need.
I've looked back on my blogs and it looks like I've talked about stress before. Just like I said in the past: breathe.. In, out, in, out.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Senior Assignment: my take on it
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Oh, acting.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I hate acting with that hat.
Friday, September 9, 2011
a blank wall in need of lovin'.
I wanted to re-do the murial, mostly because I wanted to be on the wall and be recgonized.
We didn't do the murial, obviously, but I did make it on the wall and I am recgonizable.
Starting off with out names and branching out to what we love give a visual perspective of what we keep in our brains. In our minds, we know what we love, and why we love it, but without conciously thinknig about it, you wouldn't think about what you love and why you love it continuiously to form this web.
That's why I found this assignment intriguing. Turns out that I love music because it's memorable. But I actually love music because of the voice, and i love voice because it's honesty, and i love honesty because it's expression and then a couple of branches later, i end up at memorable.
In a weird way, it makes me think about if my brain was a museum and I was taking a tour. I don't know, it was just one of those activities.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
STAC 2011-12
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Today was pretty significant. For those who wore the plain white tee, they'd agree with me. Having people graffiti you with hurtful words is a hard feeling. The ironic thing about this process is that people graffiti people everyday. Sure, they're not using Sharpies, but they're definitely labeling people with hurtful words and having each other walk around with this weight. The slogan, "put the weight of your words on me" worked perfectly. It described exactly what people needed to know.
The experience I had with a fellow classmate can't clearly be described. It was definitely eye-opening.
STAC is used to bullying, but instead of trying to help banish it or prove it wrong, we usually just would show off. It's interesting how positively this interaction with the rest of the school was so successful.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sitting in STAC Periods 5 and 6.

See? All plain bacgrounds. It probably reminds you of school picture day.. just sayin'.
And Diane Arbus.. She was a little bit crazy. She focused mainly on black and white square photographs. As Luke put it, "you wouldn't want her photographing your kids."

She took photos of people that are ugly or surreal. She was basically known as the "photographer of freaks". She photographed what people didn't want to see.. but that's what made her famous and in her own style.
I don't know her mindset, but she did commit suicide after doing this photography for years.
Both people that are different, and who were great friends in their time, developed their own sense of photography.. and if you see either of their photographs, you should be able to point out the work of the artist.
Writing Workshop (2)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Writing with Reed (Workshop)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Chinese Workshop is a proper title?
Honestly, as we were watching the instructor, I kept thinking that it was easy. WELL, let me tell you. NOT EASY!
She got the tones perfectly as my paper was basically drenched in water. Once I realized I was using too much water, I obviously used less. I'm used to thick paper and hard strokes. That's probably why this was so hard. I usually like the one color painting because of it's simplicity, but I did better with the color.
Honestly, I liked writing the Chinese characters more than the actual paintings. They're so strange since they're foreign to me, but so fascinating to understand. The Chinese culture is more traditional than modern America.
Fascinating. So cool.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Photography's Longest Exposure!

Workshop with Rob (and Alan)
Basically, we carried a huge white board (used to bounce the light), two light fixtures, a few cameras, reflectors, and more diffusers to the English Office. Yes, we set up a photoshoot jn the English Office.
We got some good shots, which is great. Rob taught us what to do in a crammed situation and how to put things together in a speedy moment.
Glad to do the job.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Matrix: my experience
There were so many concepts that were weaved into the film. The part I isn't like is rather personal. There were plenty of religious factors that were mentioned, none of which I got without research. I needed Google to help explain my religion. I feel pretty pathetic. I don't go to Church. There isn't a reason why I don't go, and is there really a reason I should?
I don't believe in fate and imaginary powers. Church is where myths are spoken, which I don't believe. I won't like and say I never wished for God's helper tried to speak to him, because I have. Bit I was raised that way.
When I get older I fear that I will lose my religion, which will push me deeper into the Matrix. I mean, I'm very far in now, which I'm not proud of, but it's just the truth.
The movie is in the Matrix itself. The part where they show the real world is created by people who are deep in the Matrix. There's no way out, that's the scary part.
I don't like realizing all of this. I was so into the Matrix that I didn't even notice it until it was brought to my attention.
That's just me ventilating on my personal Matrix experience.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Photos on February 15!
This assignment gave me just a quick glimpse of working as a newspaper photographer. It's not like I have a car and need to drive from location to location.. But I did have to go around the high school, which was probably more awkward than photographing people you don't know and people who expect to be photographed.
I never considered newspaper photography a task, I know photos were taken to be in the paper, but it never occurred to me how they were put together.
It's not a job for the money, but for experience.