Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hey-- i'm still alive!

Sometimes, to realize how far you've come, you have to look back to see where you started. That's how I end up on my blogger.
When I last posted, I was a bit nervous about the interview I had for my second internship. Here I am, months later, finishing that internship. MTV has been a wild experience loaded with highs and lows along with eye opening situations and educational moments.
I still cannot believe the negative state of mind I had when I was graduating. Here I am, three years later, a previous Nickelodeon intern, an MTV intern, and a Tribeca Film Festival crew member. 
If I could have any piece of advice, it would be to always say yes. At times it may be overwhelming and you may be exhausted, lack a social life, be behind on homework, and bust your ass for 80 hours a week, but it will all be worth it. I can assure you that. Always say yes. 

Until next time,
