Friday, February 26, 2010

My Daily Practice: 365

I don't usually finish what I start, but I want this to be different.
So, I've been watching 'The Buried Life' on MTV and it had me thinking about life. It had me thinking about how time flies by and you don't even know it. I've been trying to put together a list of things i want to do before I die, and this 365 is on it. I can't mess up and not take a photo one day, because that means that I've screwed up the 365. I want to complete this. I want to be able to cross this off my list.
I'm not sure what is intriguing about this. It's basically taking a photo of yourself a day. Actually, that's all it is. But it seems like so much more to me. It's like a summary of my day. I show my emotion in a photograph, and by the look on my face, you can tell a little about me.
And going back to my fascination on time, this project is perfect for me. I associate my day with my photograph, and it shows me what I was doing at the time. And i'll be able to look at these years in the future and see what I liked. I don't know, it's just something I like to do.
This 365 isn't a hassle for me, and I'd love to keep it up for longer than just 365 days.

today was day 028! check out my 365 from day 001 to now.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Artist Statement

Artist Statement:

Photography has mainly been my art. I was never taught how to use a camera and capture focal points, but as I figured it all out, I have grown a passion for it. I do photography because I take that one moment of time and hold it. With a camera, you have the ability to capture a moment of your life from any angle. Not all photographs look right, but if you move the camera and look at the world, it’s not all right either.

When I take photos, I try to grasp every ounce of color. The contrast between light and dark or dull and bright, to me, makes the picture pop and look stronger. In photography, you’re only given so much space to fit your shot in. And in that space, every speck is seen. If I’m taking a picture of a landscape, for example, and there’s garbage on the floor in my shot, I will not keep the photo. Yes, it’s how I see the world, but no, it’s not how I want to remember my picture. The little details are important, but not my main importance. But like any other photographer, I just want my picture to come out good.

Color is my main focus in a photo, like I have slightly mentioned before. Even in black and white, when you have your pure blacks and your whitest whites, it makes the photo look great. With black and white you could do color splash, which means the whole photo is black and white except the one thing you decided to keep in color.

Even though photography is where my heart is in art, I’m open to any art. Any way to creatively express what I want to, what I need to, I’m open for it. I can’t really describe art, but it’s the things you can’t describe that are most important in your life.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Core Values and Issues: are the same?

color - in my photography, I look for brights, dulls, darks, lights and everything in between in all shades of color. In black & white photography, color splash has to be one of my favorites.
emotions - emotions occur in my photos, and writing. lowering the exposure or saturation of a photograph gives it a different emotion that the original. When I write, it's always toying with emotions.
opposites (i.e. dark vs. light)
time - a lot of my photography shows things that change over time. When something is in motion, and I take many, many pictures as it's changing but only use a couple and lay them out next to each other, even though the photographs aren't in between, you see hat changes over time. In my writing, I write a lot about the past going to the future and how things change, and it takes time, etc.

I think I confused myself with the core values and issues.. Is it possible for my core values and issues to be the same? Because isn't core values is what's important, and issues is what appears in your work, so wouldn't it be alright if they were the same?

It's nothing fantastic yet, but here's the beginning of my 365:


What Have I Done In The Semester?

I feel like my first day of tenth grade was last week. When actually, it was about five months ago. Time flies. Half way into the school year, Luke hit us with a question that really made me think, 'What have you done in the semester?'. Well, i couldn't really come up with anything extraordinary. I wanted to impress myself and say that I've accomplished something great, but i couldn't even do that. And this is where I plan to turn that all around.
I'm done with slacking, and believing my stupid choices now won't effect me in the future. I know I'm young and all, but the choices I made six years ago effect me now, and I can't imagine what it will be like this time around. So, i decided to set rules for myself. Rule #1: Don't break the rules.
I know I'll end up breaking them eventually, but I want to think positive, you know, have a little faith in myself.
I also thought of Luke's question not as what I've done, but as what can I do. I want to follow my New Years Resolution and start me make change in my life. I want to be able to look back and say, 'Wow, I did that.'
I know it's corny and all, but I don't really care. It's what I want and I'm going to really try for it.

once again,

Monday, February 1, 2010

365. That's Right.. A Whole Year.

So, Nina has inspired me to get a move on my 365.
I put a lot of thorught into the 365, even though it probably doesn't seem like it.
I've recently blogged about how time is mind-blowing to me. And i thought about it all, and time is in photography. It's that one captured moment of time. And past time and future time is amazing to me. I love holding on to a picture from ten years ago and looking at it now and thinking how it's all changed. I'll give an example! In 2001, my friend and I sat on my front stairs drinking yoo-hoo. I look at it know and think, why did i dye my hair? was i really that short? did i always wear pink? and I look at myself now and wonder how it's changed through the past couple of years.
What I love about doing the 365, is that I can see how I've changed. Going back to time, if i take one picture of myself over a year, it will show what happens in a period of time.
And so, that's my story of 365.

Follow me! It's not updated, but every now and then for the next three hundred and sixty0five days you can drop in and see the changes I've made.

Sincerely Yours,