Wednesday, November 20, 2013

that daily project i did -- completed


I'm not really on this site much, but there are days where I come back to leave a little note that I've been here. This time it's about that daily practice I started last year. It's done!

Just like the first time I finished the project, a sense of accomplishment is in me. I have done it, not once, but now twice.
It's not about the photos because it's actually about being consistent and showing dedication to my work. It doesn't matter if they're good or bad photos. I'm content with six really great photos that three hundred sixty-seven mediocre ones.

That's all,


Saturday, June 22, 2013

hello, hello.

Hello, hello.
It's been a while since I last posted.
I'd like to keep this blog updated with art related activities, but I haven't been involved with much recently. I've been working like crazy ever since school let out.
Yesterday I had a photo shoot with a friend of mine, Blake.
I haven't done one, aside from joking around with a friend or two, in nearly a year.
Like I've said numerous times, I lost my love for photography. The important lesson I learned is that if you lose something, there's a possibility you can find it again. My love/hate relationship with photography is never ending.
Anywho, here's what I'm doing to these photos from yesterday:

I find that showing the before and after of manipulated photos is rather interesting. I wanted to share with people who may find this interesting as well.

Ok. I'll post again when I do something art related.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Being welcomed back to high school

Tomorrow is the Alumni Panel at the high school. I was chosen amongst approximately 320 kids that I graduated with to come back and speak about college.
I questioned why I was chosen. I wasn't "invisible" in high school, but I also wasn't on the top of the cheer team's pyramid. When my name was spoken, I was 99% of the time associated with photography. So I guess it was a shock to some to find out that I didn't pursue that in college. From what I know, I'm the only one on the panel that went to a community college.
Look at me, though. I had such right goals for myself and was on the right path. Of course I was expected to "go far in life". Instead, I made my way through school & only applied to two schools & one being Nassau. Then during my firs week of Nassau I realized that I needed to leave. So I applied to Marymount in Manhattan and got accepted. Now I feel like I'm back on track. I basically started the college search a year late & am now behind on a semester of school that I'll haw to make up in summer or winter courses.
They basically called me back because I'm a lesson for fellow students and can show my story as motivation for other students to take the college decision making seriously.
It was the subtle way of saying I fucked up in high school.
