Wednesday, December 8, 2010

hey, you're all here.. right?

hey guys.
so, you're all using blogger, and if you're not, i don't know why you're not..
anyway, you should be.
and if you're on here, follow my new 365:


Monday, December 6, 2010

Let The Commercial Making Begin!

So, this week was really focused on film making. I didn't exactly get in front of or behind the camera lens, but we did storyboard.
Storyboarding a a major part of putting together a film. Even though we're aiming for a thirty-second film, there's a lot to be sorted out. For example, Ilana and I discussed what we were going to say and what we were going to take shots of to put with the audio.
There's pros and cons to storyboarding. One pro is that you don't waste time when you're filming-you know what you're filming, or at least have a base for your film. The con is that you draw out what you imagine, but it doesn't actually look like hwat you want it to.
I don't want to come off by critizing myself, but I know the type of personality I have. I like to do things on my own.. I don't know why I'm this way, but it has its pros and cons too. The hard part about working with a partner is that our decisions don't exactly match up. We both have great comments and visions, they just don't mesh like peanut butter and jelly, if you get my metaphor.
Either way the film goes, it should be a good thirty seconds of a successful commercial.
