Tuesday, November 13, 2012

another daily practice

I started a 366.
You're probably thinking, "why must she choose 366? It's 365. She's trying to be original."
But you're wrong. If you weren't thinking that, disregard the following attitude.
I chose 366 because I want it to be more than just one year. Yes, that one day makes a difference to me.
I started on November 11, 2012, which was my last day of being 17. I will continue it until the day I turn 19.
There's more to it than just a year of my life.
Last time I completed a 365, it was to prove to myself that photography is my passion, but it was mostly to see how things change.
I'm 18 now, and I need to start making constructive decisions that will lead to my successful future. I don't doubt that my dreams will come true, because I believe in them too much. So this is my 18-year-old life. A lot is going to change, I know it. I start school on the Upper East Side in January & that in itself will be a huge change. I want to break my comfort barrier and do things I wouldn't normally do.
You can see it for yourself: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ashleycoppolinophotography/sets/72157631999850622/
