Thursday, September 15, 2011

I hate acting with that hat.

i don't even know where to begin. i've been staring at this page aimlessly for over a half hour now.

that damn hat. it raised every hair on my body. all the power that i walked in the room with vanished the second my finger touched the hat. if it were really my brother's room and my brother's hat, i wouldn't have dared to touch it. The second I touched the hat it became real. I couldn't believe I took his hat
And then you realize you're acting. Then I became aware of my child-like posture and my increased heart-rate, which just make me sink inside.
I'm angry. This I know. But not everybody does. I spend most of my days, months, & years angry. I know why I am too. But I never thought I'd be posting this on a blog for the public to know. Ugh, I hate this feeling. I'm angry at myself, but mostly at my grandparents. They left me and I blame them for it everyday. It wasn't like they decided to leave me, they just passed away. Well, my Nana had the option of surgery or death, and well, she didn't choose the surgery. I blame her for not choosing to fight to be here. It kills me everyday. It's been on my mind since the day she died. And my other grandparents.. My Pop-Pop passed away with me on his lap, which has scared my whole life. God, the last words he ever said were, "I love you, my Angel", which tore me apart. His heart stopped beating. I never met my mom's mom but all my cousins say that I'd love her & she was the greatest grandma. And Mom's dad got to see all his grandchildren except me. He lost his sight right before I was born, & since I'm the last grandchild of the family, I'm the only one that he's never seen. Sometimes I think he saw me. It makes me feel better. Why am I crying. But yeah, that's the truth. This just makes me angry. It shouldn't, but what can I do, it's life.
I hate that damn hat.
I can't type anymore.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh, just readin' blogs, pickin' lines I like.

Well that was off topic, but I liked it. -Jessica

a blank wall in need of lovin'.

The blank wall was blank for too long.
I wanted to re-do the murial, mostly because I wanted to be on the wall and be recgonized.
We didn't do the murial, obviously, but I did make it on the wall and I am recgonizable.
Starting off with out names and branching out to what we love give a visual perspective of what we keep in our brains. In our minds, we know what we love, and why we love it, but without conciously thinknig about it, you wouldn't think about what you love and why you love it continuiously to form this web.
That's why I found this assignment intriguing. Turns out that I love music because it's memorable. But I actually love music because of the voice, and i love voice because it's honesty, and i love honesty because it's expression and then a couple of branches later, i end up at memorable.
In a weird way, it makes me think about if my brain was a museum and I was taking a tour. I don't know, it was just one of those activities.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

STAC 2011-12

I can't believe that I am blogging for my lsat year of STAC. It's absolutely unreal. Where has the time gone? Ugh, time.. Time is so misleading. Time convinces you that it's unlimited, yet we're a ticking bomb every day - time for class, time to eat, time to breathe, time to repeat. I know this year is going to fly by, and I want to capture it as much as possible.
I have no doubt in my mind that this year in STAC will be just as educational as the past. Yes STACies, we learn! Obviously, though, but it's not like learning how to prove a circle is a circle with a proof. By learning, I mean skills that will be used everyday for the rest of my life and enhancing out talent, a.k.a. luck, for 100% success in our future.
Enough chatting about what we already know, see you all tomorrow.
