Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Core Values and Issues: are the same?

color - in my photography, I look for brights, dulls, darks, lights and everything in between in all shades of color. In black & white photography, color splash has to be one of my favorites.
emotions - emotions occur in my photos, and writing. lowering the exposure or saturation of a photograph gives it a different emotion that the original. When I write, it's always toying with emotions.
opposites (i.e. dark vs. light)
time - a lot of my photography shows things that change over time. When something is in motion, and I take many, many pictures as it's changing but only use a couple and lay them out next to each other, even though the photographs aren't in between, you see hat changes over time. In my writing, I write a lot about the past going to the future and how things change, and it takes time, etc.

I think I confused myself with the core values and issues.. Is it possible for my core values and issues to be the same? Because isn't core values is what's important, and issues is what appears in your work, so wouldn't it be alright if they were the same?

It's nothing fantastic yet, but here's the beginning of my 365: http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyitsashleyy/


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