Thursday, September 10, 2009

take off!

hey! so, i'm launching this blog!
it's kind of like starting a new notebook and turning to the first page.
you don't want to make the first page look sloppy, because it's the first one of the whole book!
yeah, that's kind of how i am about this blog.
anywho, i'm going to talk about school, since it takes up most of my life lately.
either i'm preparing for school, going to sleep at a reasonable time for school, spending 8 hours at school, doing work for school, and doing the same thing again for school the next day.
i know what you're thinking.. what a life.
school's not my cup of tea, of you know what i mean.
like, sitting in a stuffy room on a half-broken chair copying words you'll probably never use again is just not important.
let's take history, for example. it happened already. why do we have to learn about it?
i once asked my teacher, and she responded by saying, "so we don't repeat the past".
i'm not saying i know more history than her, but i can recall having two world wars.
tenth grade math has no importance to my life at all.
a(5a-7) + 4(6b+9a) .. make any sense?
there probably should be exponents, but i'm to lazy to type them.
you could probably see how much i love the class.
STAC on the other hand, is totally opposite.
all the suckish things i said, basically gets all turned around in STAC.
And this is my opinion on day two.
Take off was great. Space is not what i thought it was. Landing is just so far away.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there. I mostly agree with the school thing- a few years ago I really didn't like taking classes I didn't exactly choose. But things really do get better.

    The pictures aren't working (did you use the URL to upload?) You sorta need to save the pictures on your comp (a STAC file is a good idea) and then upload them from your comp.
