why, hello there!
(imagine someone with a country voice saying that. no, actually, imagine Sandy fromSpongebob saying it. Yeah, that sounds a lot better.)
first day off since Tuesday! Doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. School's a pain in the rear end.
I dyed + cut my hair! i look totally different.
i'd post a photo, but i want this to be a suprise!
i'm not exactly happy with the color sitaution, but hopefully it'll change a little.
when you see me on Monday, tell me the first thing you notice about my face. I want to see if my reason for dying my hair worked.
I was chit chatting with this 86-year-old woman in her house and we spoke about all theantique/vintage items in her house. She told me i should've been alive in the 50's & 60's. She noticed i like peace, which only made our conversation longer. I am officially convinced that i should've been born 60 years ago.
She has a sewing table so old that there's a pedal, her oven is overhead like a microwave currently that's giant, her telovision only has black & white but the tv itself is red..
i could go on about this old lady Grace forever.
I think saying "The Girl Photos" is innopropriate!
But it's straightfoward.
So, it's remaining in the title.
Anywho, here they are!
Leah looks so happy, it's unbelieveable. I don't remember what made her laugh like this!

This is Kalliopi. There's no A at the end of her name! Kalli's eyes capture you attention really good & her hair looks really pretty!

Hey Nicole, when in doubt, skuint your eyes and stick out your tounge! Looks very good!

That's me! i'm always laughing. (my hair looks so different to right now!)

Becky fits the portrait shape perfectly. Becky's smile just makes you feel a little happier about your day, for some strange reason!

Confusion was upon everyone in the photo, although it shound only be Bari.. Nicole and Cassie fit in it too!

Lizy looks like she was enjoying this breif moment in the day.

Leah's hair/face filled up the ortrait space perfectly.

"Oh hot damn, forgot to feed the Kangaroos". Cassie looks stressed about something here! (i just made that up the Kangaroo thing, btw.)

Believe me when i say there was a lot of pictures of Megan to choose from. This one shows Megan so confused, but Leah and Matt getting a kick out of it.

Mareaid looks pretty happy. Thumbs up to a happy photo.

Juliana's natural laugh was caught with the camera.

Rawr to you too, Jessica!

Elisa's body position shows uncertainty to me, but it adds character to the picture.

Minus the excess room (which i am included in), this picture is good because it shows innocence the way Nina smiles and looks down with her head tilted.

Keren was so still, that she doesn't look real.

Concentration. Hillary looks focused.

Just like Michelle, Molly had that dead stare of amazement. It leads questions into the photograph, like, what the fuck are you looking at?!

Imagine Michelle saying, "Guys! Guys! Look! An alien is breaking through the ceiling. Luke, get your camera". It's like the dead stare of amazement.

Ilana looks like she enjoyed answering questions while being photographed.

Jill looks pretty confused. I like this photo because it makes me think of what i must look like 70% of the time!

There's Dina. In the photos, she looked to her side a lot. I like this because it was only her eyes looking, not her whole face.

Awesomeness abound here. Good job.