Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fabian Fajita

You will need:
- 3 cups jalapeño peppers
-2 Douglas Fabian thighs
-2 tablespoons of acting
-1/3 cup of singing
-1 1/2 cups Lucky Charms
-10 pieces tortilla bread
-1 teaspoon Ass Kickin' Hot Sauce

1. Preheat oven to 325 Degrees. When ready, place Douglas Fabian thighs in oven.
2. In a medium size mixing bowl, mix Lucky Charms, Acting, Singing, Jalapeño peppers and Ass Kickin' Hot Sauce.
3. Place tortilla bread in oven for 4 minutes to toast bread.
4. Take Douglas Fabian thighs and tortilla bread out of oven.
5. Place 2 spoonfuls of mix onto tortilla bread and wrap it.
6. Serve hot & enjoy!

For best results:
Serve with macaroni salad and cherry coca-cola.
Add Painting, Dancing, Drawing, Urban Outfitters, H&M, and John Mayer as sides.

Serves: 10

Compliments to the chef,

1 comment:

  1. I love it! the incorporation of Jalapeno Peppers and (for some reason) my intriguing thighs is phenomenal. Gosh, you make cannibalism seem so fascinating.
