Saturday, September 26, 2009

Trust/My Idea


haha, the title is kind of like, 'TRUST MY IDEA', rightt?!
well, it's not supposed to be.

On Friday we did this activity that one person had to wear a blindfold and another person had to give the blind person a tour of the school. Let me start off by saying that it was a lot of fun.
My partner my Lizy. It was really good with Lizy because we didn't speak, which made the tour seem real. I actually got to experience things as if i was blind. When we approached the stairs, Lizy took my hand and put it on the railing, then i knew i was at the stairs. Like, she didn't have to tell me. I trusted Lizy, as she trusted me. She wasn't just my eyes, she was my power of seeing.
I'll admit that when i do things like this, it makes you appericate everything you have and that you complain about things that other people may not even had the chance to try.

Has anyone ever heard os Supermac18?
well, he's pretty funny.
he's a well known youtube video kid who lives on long island.
i just spent about five hours with him and had a great idea.
for the STAC magazine, we could possibly interview him!
he's got over 30,000 followers on twitter, 191,972 subscribers on youtube and has even made it on the cover of Newsday.
I didn't ask yet, and i'm not that close with him, but i want to give it a shot.
Most the freshman at school love him, so i'm sure that will definitely gain us some money if these crazy teens buy the issue :)
check 'em out!

I've been having a good weekend besides the whole Justin Bieber thing..


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rilke Rewrite/

I chose Blank Joy by Rainer Maria Rilke
My version of his writing might not be the same meaning that he gave in his writing, but like i said, it's my own version!

Blank Joy
She who did not come, wasn't she determined
nonetheless to organize and decorate my heart?
If we had to exist to become the one we love,
what would the heart have to create?

Lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are
the center of all my labors and my loves.
if i've wept for you so much, it's because
i preferred you among so many outlined joys.

My Version Without a Title :)
No response from my calling.
My heart left with none of you.
If you had to be your true love,
would their heart long for yours?

The joy for you to love me back.
The blank part for you in my heart.
I reached for you, no other love.
For you, my happiness, my joy,
and I only caught air.

Well, it's the time of the night where my eyes feel like 1000-pound weights and i still have books to read, handouts to complete, essays to write and everything else that will kill my soul.

Quote of the day:
So come on and fly with me as we make a great escape - Down; Jay Sean

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Year/Choke/..Back to New Year

Happy New Year!
you're probably like, why is she saying this?
Well, it's Rosh Hashanah!
yes, i'm a jew :)
you're probably like, really?
yes, where do you think i got these jew curls from?!

well, i just sipped some diet coke after chugging down a couple twizzlers (talk about lunch), and i choked. i thought i should share with all you bloggers.

anyways, i'm celebrating the holiday with the family tonight.
why am i excited?
my cousin became very involved in photography over the past few years, and she's made some friends in the business. she showed a couple of photos to this dude, half of which were mine, and he said that i am a very talented teen. he would like an intern at his studio to take portraits of kids. major tips involved. i'm meeting him tonight, and we're going to see when and how we could do this, since the studio's in west babylon.

oh, and of course i want to see my cousin that has ten more tattoos than his age, him being 29.
and my aunt that complains that i dye my hair every time i walk in a room.
My uncle that blows in my ear when he says he has to tell me a secret.
I get to see the rest of my band, and preform a show for the television in a stadium called Rock Band.
i get to see the rest of my loving, caring, competitive, loud, family tonight too.

i wonder if i'll continue the Hebrew religion when i have a family. i was raised christian, but my mom is still jewish. I'm not sure what i'll continue, but i couldn't help but think about it.

three cheers to crazy families,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How?/To not be perfect is just perfect enough.


How do yo make me love and hate you at the same time?
How do you make me smile, but feel so unhappy?
How come when we talk, you hear silence?
How do we hug, but feel no warmth?
How do you say you love me, and not even mean it?

-ashley coppolino

i could spend all day asking questions like Why or How.. But i learned that if you worry too much about something, you're missing out on finding the answer for yourself. I'm not sure if it makes sense to you, but i get it perfectly.
I think that's what i like about art. There's no questions. I took me a while to figure it out, but no art is perfect. If you spend hours upon hours correcting every mistake and asking why did you do that, or how can you make it look better, you're wasting your time. Grab a pencil or a paintbrush and start on a new page.
It's hard to believe that i learned all this by painting squares today. I learned i can't draw a straight line with a paintbrush. But the imperfections is what made it unique, and quite frankly, it was perfect to me. I crumpled up two paintings i made because the colors blended and i didn't like it or i didn't know why it looked like a elementary kid did it. The third time made me realize that painting non-perfect lines adds character to it. It adds a bit of me to the painting.

I guess that's how i take on the world as an artist. Art doesn't have to be so precise. In fact, art shouldn't be so precise (depending on the situation).

And so, that's it for todays blog.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fabian Fajita

You will need:
- 3 cups jalapeño peppers
-2 Douglas Fabian thighs
-2 tablespoons of acting
-1/3 cup of singing
-1 1/2 cups Lucky Charms
-10 pieces tortilla bread
-1 teaspoon Ass Kickin' Hot Sauce

1. Preheat oven to 325 Degrees. When ready, place Douglas Fabian thighs in oven.
2. In a medium size mixing bowl, mix Lucky Charms, Acting, Singing, Jalapeño peppers and Ass Kickin' Hot Sauce.
3. Place tortilla bread in oven for 4 minutes to toast bread.
4. Take Douglas Fabian thighs and tortilla bread out of oven.
5. Place 2 spoonfuls of mix onto tortilla bread and wrap it.
6. Serve hot & enjoy!

For best results:
Serve with macaroni salad and cherry coca-cola.
Add Painting, Dancing, Drawing, Urban Outfitters, H&M, and John Mayer as sides.

Serves: 10

Compliments to the chef,

Monday, September 14, 2009

three days in + already forgetting to write.

the title speaks for me.
i already forgot to blog.

so, did anyone see the vma's last night?
If so, can you believe the Kanye/Taylor thing?
like, what the fuck, Kanye. You're an ass.

This 30-year-old man needed to take the mic from a teenager who won her first vma just to say another woman's video was better?
and no offense, but beyonce, dancing it a ridiculous outfit in black/white as a whole video doesn't deserve an award. HEAR THAT, KANYE?
if you didn't see the awards, read what i'm talking about here:

This is random! My English assignment is to write a memoir about a major event in my life recently. I chose STAC :)
Here's the intro to my writing:
I never get mail. I mean, my parents get bills, my brother gets college notices, my other brother gets detention slips, and i get nothing. But that one day was different. My name in twelve point font on an envelope was in the mailbox. My dad handed me the letter with a comment like, "wow. it's for you". I took the envelope, made a face to my dad, & walked away.
I knew what the letter was for. STAC: Student Television Arts Company. The letter started off with something like, "congratulations," and "beginning in the fall of 2009". Acceptance is a great way to make a person happy. Why was i happy about this STAC program? Well, it meant that i have an artistic ability. Out of the people who applied, i was one who got in. It's cool because only 30 people are in the class and you're there for the end of your day, everyday. There was a problem. I wasn't sure i wanted to do it.

well, you all know what i chose, obviously! I'm glad i chose it too.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Saturday; The Girl Photos

why, hello there!
(imagine someone with a country voice saying that. no, actually, imagine Sandy fromSpongebob saying it. Yeah, that sounds a lot better.)

first day off since Tuesday! Doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. School's a pain in the rear end.

I dyed + cut my hair! i look totally different.
i'd post a photo, but i want this to be a suprise!
i'm not exactly happy with the color sitaution, but hopefully it'll change a little.
when you see me on Monday, tell me the first thing you notice about my face. I want to see if my reason for dying my hair worked.

I was chit chatting with this 86-year-old woman in her house and we spoke about all theantique/vintage items in her house. She told me i should've been alive in the 50's & 60's. She noticed i like peace, which only made our conversation longer. I am officially convinced that i should've been born 60 years ago.
She has a sewing table so old that there's a pedal, her oven is overhead like a microwave currently that's giant, her telovision only has black & white but the tv itself is red..
i could go on about this old lady Grace forever.

I think saying "The Girl Photos" is innopropriate!
But it's straightfoward.
So, it's remaining in the title.
Anywho, here they are!

Leah looks so happy, it's unbelieveable. I don't remember what made her laugh like this!

This is Kalliopi. There's no A at the end of her name! Kalli's eyes capture you attention really good & her hair looks really pretty!

Hey Nicole, when in doubt, skuint your eyes and stick out your tounge! Looks very good!

That's me! i'm always laughing. (my hair looks so different to right now!)

Becky fits the portrait shape perfectly. Becky's smile just makes you feel a little happier about your day, for some strange reason!

Confusion was upon everyone in the photo, although it shound only be Bari.. Nicole and Cassie fit in it too!

Lizy looks like she was enjoying this breif moment in the day.

Leah's hair/face filled up the ortrait space perfectly.

"Oh hot damn, forgot to feed the Kangaroos". Cassie looks stressed about something here! (i just made that up the Kangaroo thing, btw.)

Believe me when i say there was a lot of pictures of Megan to choose from. This one shows Megan so confused, but Leah and Matt getting a kick out of it.

Mareaid looks pretty happy. Thumbs up to a happy photo.

Juliana's natural laugh was caught with the camera.

Rawr to you too, Jessica!

Elisa's body position shows uncertainty to me, but it adds character to the picture.

Minus the excess room (which i am included in), this picture is good because it shows innocence the way Nina smiles and looks down with her head tilted.

Keren was so still, that she doesn't look real.

Concentration. Hillary looks focused.

Just like Michelle, Molly had that dead stare of amazement. It leads questions into the photograph, like, what the fuck are you looking at?!

Imagine Michelle saying, "Guys! Guys! Look! An alien is breaking through the ceiling. Luke, get your camera". It's like the dead stare of amazement.

Ilana looks like she enjoyed answering questions while being photographed.

Jill looks pretty confused. I like this photo because it makes me think of what i must look like 70% of the time!

There's Dina. In the photos, she looked to her side a lot. I like this because it was only her eyes looking, not her whole face.

well, that's it for tonight, folks. Hear from ya'll ta-morr-a and uhm, goodnight!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Mainly Boys Photos (sounds odd, right?)

Quote of the day:
Good judgement comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad judgement.
-Barry LePatner

So, my class took these photos during a one-on-one conversation.
I picked the photos of each person that i thought were the best.
let's start with the boys, shall we?

That's Alex. It's basically the smile you flash after a comment you don't know how to respond to.
Props to Doug. I wanna know what made him make such a face!
Jack had the only side portrait. It makes the photo different and unique.

Jesse's smirk makes me wonder what he was thinking.

Bobby was probably checkin' out some girl in the class. i wonder who it was!
i think Zach would be a punk model. Hey Zach, consider it!

Whoever took this picture of Nick captured it at a perfect moment. He's got that classic smile.

Out of several photos of each boy, those were the ones i like the best followed by my reason why.

I'd say goodnight, but goodmorning fits the situation better.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

take off!

hey! so, i'm launching this blog!
it's kind of like starting a new notebook and turning to the first page.
you don't want to make the first page look sloppy, because it's the first one of the whole book!
yeah, that's kind of how i am about this blog.
anywho, i'm going to talk about school, since it takes up most of my life lately.
either i'm preparing for school, going to sleep at a reasonable time for school, spending 8 hours at school, doing work for school, and doing the same thing again for school the next day.
i know what you're thinking.. what a life.
school's not my cup of tea, of you know what i mean.
like, sitting in a stuffy room on a half-broken chair copying words you'll probably never use again is just not important.
let's take history, for example. it happened already. why do we have to learn about it?
i once asked my teacher, and she responded by saying, "so we don't repeat the past".
i'm not saying i know more history than her, but i can recall having two world wars.
tenth grade math has no importance to my life at all.
a(5a-7) + 4(6b+9a) .. make any sense?
there probably should be exponents, but i'm to lazy to type them.
you could probably see how much i love the class.
STAC on the other hand, is totally opposite.
all the suckish things i said, basically gets all turned around in STAC.
And this is my opinion on day two.
Take off was great. Space is not what i thought it was. Landing is just so far away.