Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Working with Rob was really cool.
When I take pictures, I usually put a meaning behind it, but this workshop took it to the next level. He had us write a secret down on a piece of paper. The next assignment was to go outside and photograph something/someone that would associate with your secret. It was supposed to make it feel like you relieve your secret but no one knows what it is, which means it's still a secret.. but it feels good that you're not holding it in because you sort of released it. I don't know how to explain it, Rob explained it better!
But the second assignment was to stand on a blank white piece of paper and think about your secret and have your partner photograph you while thinking about it. I thought about it in depth, actually. I kept coming up with questions, which made me think, which made an interesting picture.
overall, it was really fun, and it can be a cool photography project in my future.

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