Monday, December 28, 2009

Give A Cheer For Another Year ?

If you've been keeping up with my blog, you'd know how my year has been going. I mean, yeah, it's been great, and everyone has their down days, but I didn't know I'd be down for the last month of the year. But it looks like it's all turning around. So, yes, cheers for another year.

I'm pretty sure that everyone has heard about my 'friend' situation.. if not, read my past blogs. If so, continue reading.
It basically started on Christmas, my turning around. I told my parents that i wanted nothing for Christmas, and guess what i got? Nothing. Yeah, my parents took it a little too serious. I bought myself a pair of slippers. Merry Christmas. Well, my mom tried to find me a Snuggie, but apparently it's a 'hot item' this year, ergo, I couldn't get it. My dad, on the other hand, said I shouldn't even get coal. So, the time before Christmas wasn't the happiest time of the year. But Christmas changed it all. My mom has this friend, who has a son a year younger than me. I have always disliked him. I literally used to attack him when I was younger because he used to piss me off. I mean, he still does bother me, but Christmas was different. He acted like a human being, for once, and we laughed like we never have before. We were dying on the floor for the dumbest things, I'm not sure why. So, i ended my Christmas happily, with family and friends. Which has never happened in the years i remember Christmas.

After all that, I was willing to make up with my friends and accept what has happened in the past. My friends aren't perfect, and i don't want them to be. I don't think they understood that. I just want them to get me, but i have learned that no one will get me. I won't ever get me. My answer for the past week has been 'I don't know', and I'm not just saying it in a cute way or whatever, I'm saying it because i really don't know. I don't know how to explain that, but that's what's going on.
This blog is supposed to say how i narrate my life as an artist. And my answer to that is I don't know. Life will take me where it may, and where ever I end up, I will continue to narrate myself.

Hey, life isn't about finding yourself; Life is about creating yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Bravo! A wonderful post! Merry Christmas, New Years, all that to you, Ashley. You yourself are a gift.

