Sunday, October 17, 2010

To Be Honest / Be Kind Rewind

To be honest, I do not like The Prisoner. I don't know, there's something lacking, the thing that intrigues me. No one take offense, but it's boring to me. It's constant episodes of someone not being able to complete what he wants. I blame modern TV for making me not enjoy The Prisoner. Modern television 99% of the time gives the audience the information they want to know right away, so I feel like I have become greedy with wanting to know everything about the show. But the problem is that all the information isn't given, it's left to be figured out, which is good, but I just can't stand it.
Be Kind Rewind! They're always fun. They never come out perfect, or the way you see it in your head, but like I said, they're always fun. My group's movie went first. It was about four teens who discussed "If I Ever.." and they answered the question with the personal answer. Our movie was laughed at, which is understandable, but since we had limited time, we rushed the concept which was supposed to be a serious drama. Even though I did Be Kind Rewind last year, I still miss the editing factor. If this movie was edited with the flashback effects, the re-takes and music, it would probably be understood more clearly. It was fun to do this with all newbies too. It was so funny when everyone got excited about filming and running around the school; it was like five kids in a candy shop. Even though filming was a last year thing, it should be a thing for this year too. It's fun but full of experience.


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